When they say the times are hard in college they aren’t kidding. My parents used to tell me all the time although I need to be super careful with my money in college because they were going to be providing me with any extra spending cash. I’m actually fortunate that my parents decided they would pay for my college however they would not be giving me any extra money. I think that’s a fantastic thing because I learn how to save, however looking back times are actually tough. I remember a point in my college work when my Heating plus A/C system at my apartment stopped working… Normally when your Heating plus A/C system stops working the landlord will handle it, however that was not the case for me, but landlord that if he lowered my rent I would handle the Heating plus A/C service cost. I kind of banged on the fact that I would not have to pay for any Heating plus A/C repairs during the year lease, however now that my Heating plus A/C system has stopped working I’m going to have to come up with the cash. I was so upset during that time so I picked up extra bartending shifts as I didn’t want to put the cost of the service on my credit card. Thankfully I was able to pay for the Heating plus A/C service with the money for my extra shifts, for me it was hard having to work all those hours during that time. I was going to school plus working plus it was really